NAV (net asset value) is the intrinsic value of the share, based on realistic market price estimates for our land in Romania and our farm in Hungary.
The current market price of the share, on the other hand, depends on its tradability and may differ from the NAV.
A definite exit possibility is planned until 2028 at the latest, until then only limited tradability of the share is likely. AGRARINVEST SE offers support in bringing buyers and sellers together.2020_12_31_nav_agrarinvest_se_version_d_1.0
AGRARINVEST buys and holds land in Eastern Europe, mainly in Romania.
We do not engage in self-management, but enable local farmers to maintain a healthy economic existence through fair leasing conditions in a long-term partnership. We create added value for the benefit of all stakeholders through targeted land acquisitions and reclamation measures in our core areas: Easier cultivation of larger areas enables good returns for the tenant and stable lease income for AGRARINVEST.
We require our tenants to comply with organic standards, which we support tenants in complying with and which benefit the tenants themselves. The goal is organic management of all our land.
We achieve returns from leasing, intelligent land compacting and inflationary land price increases. We have realistic ideas and stand for sustainability and long-term stability.
We offer you the purchase of own shares of AGRARINVEST SE (minimum number of shares 15) at the current NAV free of commission.
If you are interested, please contact us.
By resolution of the shareholders' meeting of May 22, 2019, AGRARINVEST SE is authorized to repurchase up to 1,000 of its own shares annually until December 31, 2022, at a maximum value of up to 100% of the NAV published by the Company, if offered to it by shareholders. This repurchase option may be offered to all shareholders by the Board of Directors until 30.09. of any year. The share buyback is then to be settled by the end of the respective year. If - contrary to the expectation of the Board of Directors - more than 1,000 of the Company's own shares were offered for repurchase in any one year as a result of an offer by the Company, these would be repurchased - for all in equal proportion - in proportion to the total number of shares held by the offering shareholders.
Please note that the Board of Directors makes a repurchase offer contingent upon the liquidity position of the Company and that the Company is under no obligation to make a repurchase offer.
If you are interested, please contact us.